Cuentos de princesas (13) – Shakespearean Insults

29 noviembre 2011

Esta sección duró un poco… pero nunca soy buena con eso de poner las citas y copiarlas y eso… así que… para despedirme de esta sección… les dejaré algo que seguro les será útil y divertido.
A los que les gustó la reseña y sabe inglés, aquí les dejo algo que seguro les gustará, una pequeña prueba de que el libro es genial ;)

My Invented Life

Advertencia: esta todo en inglés y algunas palabras son hasta confusas… no lo traduzco por eso mismo y por falta de tiempo. Lo siento. 

Shakespearean Insults
(Tomados del libro My Invented Life)

Beef-witted – with the wits of a dead cow.
Beslubbering – like slobbering only worse.
Boil-brained – with lesions on your brain that make you stupid.
Canker-blossom – a person like an open sore that pretends to be a flower.
Clack-dish – someone whose prattle trascends mere loquaciousness.
Clotpole – blokhead. It sounds much worse that blockhead, I know.
Coxcomb – a boy who thinks he’s cuter tan he actually is.
Craven – cowardly in a most compatible way.
Dankish – suffering from a coat of mold and mildew.
Dissembling – lying, chaeting, and hypocritical.
Dog-hearted – cruel, inhuman.
Eye-offending – get-put-of-my-sight ugly.
Fen-sucked – sucked out from a marsh. I’m not joking.
Flap-mouthered – verbose, as in talkative (like Roz).
Flax-wench –a prostitue.
Flirt-gill – an empty-headed person who thinks every boyo n the planet belongs to her.
Fly-bitten – bitten by flies, you clotpole (see Clotpole).
Folly-fallen – victimized by one’s own evil schemes.
Foot-licker – a suck-up of major proportions.
Gorbellied – more tan just round in the middle.
Harpy – a ravenous and filthy bird with a woman’s head and a bird’s body. Ouch!
Hedge-born – a person born under a headge. Really.
Horn-beast – a devil, I don’t mean the sexy kind.
Knavish – ill-behaved and unprincipled. An adjective you don’t want in front of your name.
Malignancy – a hideous and incurable disease.
Measle – an open sore filled with pus.
Mewling – whiny in the worst way.
Moldwarp – a mole.
Plume-pucked – stripped of one’s lovely feathers.
Puttock – a marshy, mud-besmirched sort of person. Smelly, too.
Rabbit-sucker – a weasel, and I don’t mean the cute, furry kind.
Rampallion – something worse that a rapscallion.
Ratsbane – the trioxide of arsenic. For the chemestry impaired, that means poison.
Scullion – a kitchen slave.
Sheep-bitting – more annoying tan a horsefly.
Simp – a simple person, and I don’t mean uncomplicated. More like simpleminded.
Sour-faced – you get like this if you spen too much time sucking on lemons.
Swag-bellied – paunchy.
Unchin-snouted – with a nose like an unchin. What’s an unchin you ask? Who knows?
Wenching – A wormy behavior that involves stringing several girls along at once.
Whey-faced – pale from fear.


Es todo!
Espero que les sean útiles. lol.
DEBEN leer este libro u.u
En fin, yo si uso algunos ;)
Una sonrisa!
P.d. VOTEN!!

2 comentarios:

  1. Bueno me encantá está sección me parece excelente que siga en el blog.

  2. ¡Andii! Perdona que nunca te comente ni nada, es que ya llevo tiempo cansadiña de los blogs xD
    Pero bueno, sólo quería agradecerte tu apoyo constante ;)
    Es increíble, en serio xD Y la verdad me siento orgullosa de tener a una seguidora y de seguir a alguien tan maravilloso ^^
    Muchas gracias por todo... Y de hecho, la nueva historia que voy a hacer te la dedico ;)


“I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am saying.” (Wilde)

Real me por Andrea |19.06.10