A los que les gustó la reseña y sabe inglés, aquí les dejo algo que seguro les gustará, una pequeña prueba de que el libro es genial ;)
My Invented Life
Advertencia: esta todo en inglés y algunas palabras son hasta confusas… no lo traduzco por eso mismo y por falta de tiempo. Lo siento.
Shakespearean Insults
(Tomados del libro My Invented Life)Beef-witted – with the wits of a dead cow.
Beslubbering – like slobbering only worse.
Boil-brained – with lesions on your brain that make you stupid.
Canker-blossom – a person like an open sore that pretends to be a flower.
Clack-dish – someone whose prattle trascends mere loquaciousness.
Clotpole – blokhead. It sounds much worse that blockhead, I know.
Coxcomb – a boy who thinks he’s cuter tan he actually is.
Craven – cowardly in a most compatible way.
Dankish – suffering from a coat of mold and mildew.
Dissembling – lying, chaeting, and hypocritical.
Dog-hearted – cruel, inhuman.
Eye-offending – get-put-of-my-sight ugly.
Fen-sucked – sucked out from a marsh. I’m not joking.
Flap-mouthered – verbose, as in talkative (like Roz).
Flax-wench –a prostitue.
Flirt-gill – an empty-headed person who thinks every boyo n the planet belongs to her.
Fly-bitten – bitten by flies, you clotpole (see Clotpole).
Folly-fallen – victimized by one’s own evil schemes.
Foot-licker – a suck-up of major proportions.
Gorbellied – more tan just round in the middle.
Harpy – a ravenous and filthy bird with a woman’s head and a bird’s body. Ouch!
Hedge-born – a person born under a headge. Really.
Horn-beast – a devil, I don’t mean the sexy kind.
Knavish – ill-behaved and unprincipled. An adjective you don’t want in front of your name.
Malignancy – a hideous and incurable disease.
Measle – an open sore filled with pus.
Mewling – whiny in the worst way.
Moldwarp – a mole.
Plume-pucked – stripped of one’s lovely feathers.
Puttock – a marshy, mud-besmirched sort of person. Smelly, too.
Rabbit-sucker – a weasel, and I don’t mean the cute, furry kind.
Rampallion – something worse that a rapscallion.
Ratsbane – the trioxide of arsenic. For the chemestry impaired, that means poison.
Scullion – a kitchen slave.
Sheep-bitting – more annoying tan a horsefly.
Simp – a simple person, and I don’t mean uncomplicated. More like simpleminded.
Sour-faced – you get like this if you spen too much time sucking on lemons.
Swag-bellied – paunchy.
Unchin-snouted – with a nose like an unchin. What’s an unchin you ask? Who knows?
Wenching – A wormy behavior that involves stringing several girls along at once.
Whey-faced – pale from fear.
Es todo!
Espero que les sean útiles. lol.
DEBEN leer este libro u.u
En fin, yo si uso algunos ;)
Una sonrisa!
P.d. VOTEN!!