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Author: Jen McConnel
Publisher: Month9Books
Source: FFBC
Publication Date: March 25th, 2014.
Pages: 308
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Witches must choose the path they will follow, and Darlena Agara is no exception. She’s been putting it off long enough, and in her case, ignoring it has not made it go away. In a moment of frustration, Darlena chooses to follow Red Magic, figuring she had outsmarted the powers that be, since there’s no such thing as Red Magic. But alas, Darlena’s wrong (again) and she becomes a newly declared Red Witch.
Her friends are shocked and her parents horrified by the choice Darlena has made. As a Red Witch, she now governs one third of the world’s chaos. She is the walking personification of pandemonium, turmoil, and bedlam, just as the patrons of Red Magic would have it to be.
But Darlena believes there must be more to Red Magic than chaos and destruction, and she sets out on a journey to achieve balance. Only doing so puts her at odds with the dark goddess Hecate, who simply will not allow Darlena to quit. She encourages Darlena to embrace who and what she is and to leave good magic to the good witches. If only Darlena could, life would be simple, and she would not be the Daughter of Chaos.
My opinon
Darlena is normal girl… well, witch. She doesn't know what path to follow yet: White, Green or Black. The Withe's the good one, the Black is the kind of bad one (not actually bad but not very loved by all witches) and the Green that's a balance between the previous two.
When Hecate, Queen of Witches, appears at her place and demands her to chose a path, Darlena panics and choose a path that she thought didn't exist: Red.
At the beginning she's freaked out because she gets expelled from her school and her parents treat her like she was a bomb. But the she begins to learn a little bit about what Red magic really is: Chaos.
Darlena has to face the decisions she made and choose a patron that will be her teacher and will help her along the way, but that's a bit difficult when all the gods are fighting for her attention and some of them are even willing to harm her in order to be her patron.
Let's begin this saying that I liked Darlena, she's a little impulsive and sometimes she doesn't think well the decisions she make but I liked her character.
I kind of expected some of the plot twists this book has, but it was still good, with a lot of action and that.
I really like Justin but he confuses me a little with his moods. Rochelle's pretty cool with all her dark magic and so.
Darlena's mother plays an important role and I like her character too.
My favorite godess were Aphrodite (even though she's a little bit too obsessed with love) and Persephone, I've liked her even before I read the book, I think she's pretty cool. I also loved Hades, he's cute.
Anyway, the book is fast to read because it's intriguing and keeps you wanting more, it's not that long and has a fair end. I like that it doesn't leave you incomplete like others do even though it doesn't answer many of my questions.
I gave it a 4 because I didn't like the final end, it was quick and without a lot of harm or action. I hoped there would be more blood and more disaster since she's the Daughter of Chaos, but well…
I really recommend it if you like books with action, a little bit of romance and that talk about these different kind of witches that have gods as patrons, that's a new idea and it's definitely awesome, I think that was my favorite part: the originality with the gods.
Darlena is normal girl… well, witch. She doesn't know what path to follow yet: White, Green or Black. The Withe's the good one, the Black is the kind of bad one (not actually bad but not very loved by all witches) and the Green that's a balance between the previous two.
When Hecate, Queen of Witches, appears at her place and demands her to chose a path, Darlena panics and choose a path that she thought didn't exist: Red.
At the beginning she's freaked out because she gets expelled from her school and her parents treat her like she was a bomb. But the she begins to learn a little bit about what Red magic really is: Chaos.
Darlena has to face the decisions she made and choose a patron that will be her teacher and will help her along the way, but that's a bit difficult when all the gods are fighting for her attention and some of them are even willing to harm her in order to be her patron.
Let's begin this saying that I liked Darlena, she's a little impulsive and sometimes she doesn't think well the decisions she make but I liked her character.
I kind of expected some of the plot twists this book has, but it was still good, with a lot of action and that.
I really like Justin but he confuses me a little with his moods. Rochelle's pretty cool with all her dark magic and so.
Darlena's mother plays an important role and I like her character too.
My favorite godess were Aphrodite (even though she's a little bit too obsessed with love) and Persephone, I've liked her even before I read the book, I think she's pretty cool. I also loved Hades, he's cute.
Anyway, the book is fast to read because it's intriguing and keeps you wanting more, it's not that long and has a fair end. I like that it doesn't leave you incomplete like others do even though it doesn't answer many of my questions.
I gave it a 4 because I didn't like the final end, it was quick and without a lot of harm or action. I hoped there would be more blood and more disaster since she's the Daughter of Chaos, but well…
I really recommend it if you like books with action, a little bit of romance and that talk about these different kind of witches that have gods as patrons, that's a new idea and it's definitely awesome, I think that was my favorite part: the originality with the gods.
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Jen McConnel first began writing poetry as a child. Since then, her words have appeared in a variety of magazines and journals, including Sagewoman, PanGaia, and The Storyteller.
A Michigander by birth, she now lives and writes in the beautiful state of North Carolina. She's a graduate of Western Michigan University, and she also earned her MS in Library Science at Clarion University of Pennsylvania.
When she isn't crafting worlds of fiction, she teaches writing composition at a community college.
My rating

Thanks so much for hosting me! I'm thrilled that you enjoyed Darlena's story. :)